Saturday, March 15, 2014

And then the rug of security was pulled out from under us

On Thursday, we had an appointment to go in for our confirmation of pregnancy ultrasound at 6 weeks, 3 days along. We arrived early to the appointment, and we were both so excited to get our first glimpse of our little "sweet pea" (the approximate size of a 6 week pregnancy).  We checked in and when our nurse came out to get us, we were giddy. We joked about how rare it is to have a successful first insemination and how lucky we were.  I was incredibly nervous excited and my blood pressure was a little on the high side. Nothing to be incredibly worried about, but something to definitely keep an eye on.

The nurse practitioner who did our insemination came in to perform the ultrasound. Right away, I could tell she was having trouble. She seemed to be trying at a number of different angles and never quite bringing anything into focus. After about five minutes, she decided she was going to go get the doctor, because the fibroids that I had prior to getting pregnant were now larger due to the pregnancy hormones and, in turn, were making it difficult to get a good view of my uterus.

The doctor was not our normal Reproductive Endo, which made it very uncomfortable. You really develop relationships with people when they are regularly "all up in your business". She was really digging around with the ultrasound wand and it was absolutely not comfortable. The next bit of time really kind of blurs together and I don't really remember things clearly. But the things I do remember:

  • Seeing the gestational sack, which was measuring perfectly for how far along we are. 
  • The doctor focusing over and over on the sack and measuring it. 
  • Constant comments about the fibroids being in the way. 
  • Not seeing anything inside the gestational sack. No fetal pole. No heartbeat. No yolk. 
And just then, I began to cry. Because I realized exactly what she was saying. We were facing the very real possibility of a blighted ovum.  Essentially, an implanted pregnancy that stopped forming the embryo because of chromosomal issues. She told us in no gentle terms the scan was inconclusive, a lot of the problems were the fibroids getting in the way and obscuring the view of the gestational sack, and then, out of no where, and that if it wasn't that, that it "wasn't my fault" and that "it was a chromosome issue and wouldn't have been a healthy baby". I felt as though I was being punched in the stomach. I was unable to breathe. 

For those of you that know my wife and I in person, you know that we are not a bickering couple. And yet, when Wendy tried to reassure me about not giving up all hope, I snapped at her HARD. To say that I was completely disconnected from reality 

The hardest thing to hear in all of this for me is that there is nothing we can do but wait a week to ten days and then have another ultrasound done. And hope and pray that everything is alright. And prepare for the worst all at the same time. 

We have an appointment for March 24. 


  1. My prayers are with you and your wife and this little embryo. I wish I had words to make this time go by easier and faster and that I could wave a wand and everything would be all right. I will just keep praying. Please, if I can do anything, anything at all, please let me!

  2. Lots of prayers coming your way from New Mexico. *hugs*

  3. You need to read this story.

  4. I am so so sad to read this. I am sending many prayers that in a week, things will look different in a perfect healthy way. Until then, I am sending prayers of hope, comfort and peace for all of you.


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